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巴萨三天内双杀皇马后全世界球迷的反应 LOL

巴萨三天内双杀皇马后全世界球迷的反应 LOL

CanadaPal(曼城球迷):一位18岁的天才少年闪耀国家德比,成为球队当场最佳球员,13年前也发生过同样的事,不同的是,那个少年进了3个球…(the last time an 18 year-old have been the best player for one time in an El Classico is about 13 years ago I’d say, but that boy did score 3 goals.)

巴萨三天内双杀皇马后全世界球迷的反应 LOL

RayHudson_(哥伦比亚球迷):瓦拉内凭一己之力阻止了苏神的帽子戏法!(So if it wasn't for Varane, Suarez would have a hat trick.)

巴萨三天内双杀皇马后全世界球迷的反应 LOL

Fake_Fibonacci(皇马球迷):我们终于踢得像样一回,却输了个0-3,都特么赖全球气候变暖,快醒醒吧人类!(The one time we play well , we lose by 3 . Ya know what , I blame climate change. Wake up people !!)

Brayshizzle(切尔西球迷):我在加拿大多伦多看了这场比赛直播,结果竟然被贝尔踢飞的球砸中了脑袋!(Watched the game in Toronto.....just got smacked in the head by Bales shot...)

巴萨三天内双杀皇马后全世界球迷的反应 LOL
