刀塔自走棋测试服更新 新装备狂战斧
时间:2019-03-10 06:14 来源:百度新闻 作者:巧天工 点击:次
国外reddit论坛网友抓取刀塔自走棋的测试服更新数据,加入全新物品和多个游戏内平衡更新! ITEM CHANGES(装备改动): Dagon (1 through 5) got a 15 second cooldown and is put on cooldown at match start so you can no longer auto-Dagon at start 达贡之神力(1-5级)冷却时间变为15秒,并且战斗开始时处于冷却状态 [NEW]Battlefury(made by combining: Perseverance + Demon Edge) 新物品狂战斧(合成配方:坚韧球+恶魔刀锋) Grants: +30 Damage, +10 Health Regen 属性:+30攻击力,10点生命恢复 Grants: +100% mana from attacks (like Perseverance did - does NOT stack with Perseverance) 属性:攻击时获得额外100%魔法(不与坚韧球叠加) Gives Cleave to your attacks A 300 Radius, 50% of initial damage, done as pure damage 装备棋子获得300范围的,50%攻击力的纯粹溅射伤害 I am unsure if it cleaves in a 180 degree arc or not, looks like it is a full circle? 没有说明溅射范围大小为什么形状 对于缺乏AOE伤害的战士来说,狂战斧的属性非常诱人,新版本将会有更多人追梦狂战斧 SUMMON CHANGES(召唤物改动) Summons getting an overhaul and will now have 10 levels (synchronized to the courier level) as well as the summoner's $cost level. What that means is not fully clear yet but initial indications are that summon-abilities might summon at reduced mana costs rather than 100 based on courier level and cost$ of the unit. 召唤物将有10个等级,与召唤者的等级挂钩 CLASS/RACE CHANGES(种族、职业改动) Elf Racial changed from 25/25/25 to 20/25/30 精灵羁绊从3/6/9 +25/25/25调整为20/25/30 9精灵强度不变,3、6精灵闪避小幅度降低 Goblin Racial fixed for (6) Goblins to affect all Goblins with buff 6地精BUFF为全体队友提供加成(地精弟弟获得加强!!!!!) UNIT CHANGES(英雄变更) Medusa(美杜莎、蛇发女妖) Bonus Physical Damage reduced for units in Stone Gaze form from 30% to 20% 石化状态额外物理伤害加成从30%降低至20% Dragon Knight(龙骑士) Splash Damage in Elder Dragon Form reduced from 75% to 50% of Damage Done 龙形态溅射伤害从75%降低至50% Slark(斯拉克、小鱼人、鱼人夜行者) Default Armor changed from 0,0,0 to 5,5,5(护甲从0提升为5) Jump cooldown changed from 10,8,6 to 8,6,4(技能冷却从10/8/6增强为8/6/4) Disarm Duration changed from 3,5,7 to 5,5,5(缴械时间3/5/7平衡为5/5/5) GAME CHANGES(游戏改动) Changes to actually track unit classes (e.g., warlock, hunter, warrior, etc.) using a variable This should fix synergies working on your Mirror Chess Team (that faced by an enemy replicating your team) 修复了客场BUFF失效的BUG,例如:龙骑士客场不变身等BUG (责任编辑:波少) |