《DOTA2》6月10日7.22C版本更新内容汇总 7.22c更新了什么?
时间:2019-06-11 14:59 来源:百度新闻 作者:巧天工 点击:次
《DOTA2》6月10日更新了7.22C版本,在这个版本里有哪些内容更新调整,具体的改动内容有哪些呢,我们来一起看下7.22c版本的更新内容汇总。 图片来源图虫:已授站长之家使用 游戏性更新 7.22c 物品 王者之戒 攻击力由+ 7 变为+8 Bonus damage increased from +7 to +8 英雄 上古巨神 星体游魂触碰到每个英雄增加的攻击力由15/30/60/80 增加至 20/40/60/80 Astral Spirit attack damage bonus per hero increased from 15/30/60/80 to 20/40/60/80 不朽尸王 修复了+ 5 墓碑可被攻击次数的天赋未生效的问题 修复了噬魂无法为加过天赋的墓碑正确回复可被攻击次数的问题 Fixed the +5 Tombstone Attack talent not causing the right amount of health change Fixed Soul Rip not healing Tombstone for the intended amount 噬魂 噬魂有效单位上限由10/12/14/16 减少至 8/10/12/14 噬魂的治疗/伤害由18/22/26/30 增加至 22/26/30/34 Soul Rip max unit count reduced from 10/12/14/16 to 8/10/12/14 Soul Rip Heal/Damage from 18/22/26/30 to 22/26/30/34 伐木机 基础力量+2 基础魔法回复速度由0 增加至 0.25 Base strength increased by 2 Base mana regen increased from 0 to 0.25 修补匠 进击的机械蓝耗由145/150/165/190 减少至 130/150/170/190 March of the Machines manacost reduced from 145/150/165/190 to 130/150/170/190 天赋 15 级天赋+ 30 移速变为+ 150 金钱/分钟 15 级天赋+10%技能吸血增长为+15%技能吸血 20 级天赋+ 8 进击的机械伤害增长为+ 10 进击的机械伤害 TALENTS Level 15 Talent changed from +30 Movement Speed to +150 Gold/Min Level 15 Talent increased from +10% Spell Lifesteal to +15% Level 20 Talent increased from +8 March of the Machines to +10 光之守卫 灵光技能半径由675 增长为 700 Will-O-Wisp radius increased from 675 to 700 克林克兹 天赋 10 级天赋+ 5 护甲变为+ 8 敏捷 10 级天赋+12%魔法抗性变为+ 10 力量 15 级天赋+ 15 力量变为-30s燃烧之军CD 25 级天赋+ 3 扫射时间增长为+4s TALENTS Level 10 Talent changed from +5 Armor to +8 Agility Level 10 Talent changed from +12% Magic Resistance to +10 Strength Level 15 Talent changed from +15 Strength to -30s Burning Army Cooldown Level 25 Talent increased from +3s Strafe Duration to +4s 凤凰 烈火精灵释放时不再有极短的施法前摇 Fire Spirits Release no longer has a micro cast point interruption 凤凰冲击冷却时间由 36 减少至至36/34/32/30 Icarus Dive cooldown reduced from 36 to 36/34/32/30 发条技师 弹幕冲击冷却时间由32/28/24/ 20 减少至24/22/20/18 Battery Assault cooldown reduced from 32/28/24/20 to 24/22/20/18 变体精灵 波浪形态冷却时间由17/15/13/11 增加至 20/17/14/11 波浪形态魔法消耗由140/155/160/165 增加至 150/155/160/165 Waveform cooldown increased from 17/15/13/11 to 20/17/14/11 Waveform manacost increased from 140/155/160/165 to 150/155/160/165 司夜刺客 基础生命恢复速度由3.25 减少至 2.5 Base health regen reduced from 3.25 to 2.5 尖刺外壳持续时间由2.25 减少至 2 Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.25 to 2 哈斯卡 牺牲移动速度减缓由40/50/60% 增加至 60% Life Break slow increased from 40/50/60% to 60% 复仇之魂 魔法箭冷却时间由10 减少至 9 Magic Missile cooldown reduced from 10 to 9 天怒法师 震荡光弹伤害由70/140/210/280 增加至 100/160/220/280 Concussive Shot damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 100/160/220/280 天赋 10 级天赋由+ 8 智力变为+30%经验获取 TALENTS Level 10 Talent changed from +8 Intelligence to +30% XP Gain 孽主 基础护甲+1 Base armor increased by 1 巨牙海民 基础移速+5 Movement speed increased by 5 巨魔战将 近战飞斧伤害由75/125/175/225 减少至 50/100/150/200 Whirling Axes Melee damage reduced from 75/125/175/225 to 50/100/150/200 巫妖 基础智力+2 Base intelligence increased by 2 阴邪凝视冷却时间由30 减少至 30/28/26/24 Sinister Gaze cooldown reduced from 30 to 30/28/26/24 连环霜冻伤害由250/375/500 增加至 250/400/550 Chain Frost damage increased from 250/375/500 to 250/400/550 天赋 25 级天赋50%普攻减速增至60% TALENTS Level 25 Talent increased from 50% slow to 60% (责任编辑:波少) |