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每日新闻播报(January 2)(2)

>Esports players burning out
Some of the world's top esports players work as many as 80 hours a week, with much of the time spent on marathon video game sessions that end up taking a physical and mental toll. One high-profile gamer, Indy Halpern, says that he sometimes practices for eight hours a day, which often leads to lower-back and wrist pain. Halpern also outlined the mental risks: "You always have that pressure on your shoulders that you have to perform," he says. Doug Gardner, a sports psychology consultant, recalled seeing "emaciated" players exhausted after relentless gameplay. In 2014, the gaming publication Polygon reported that it was normal for esports players to retire in their mid-20s because youth is a key determinant of excellent motor skills and reaction times - two essential qualities for a top gamer.

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