时间:2019-01-09 17:38 来源:百度新闻 作者:巧天工 点击:次
做一个聪明的读者,而不是机器人。问问自己:作者究竟想要证明什么?他论证的逻辑脉络是什么?你可以从每章的开篇介绍及结论部分找到答案。然后找一两个例子记下来(写下来),日后它们会帮你重新构建作者的观点。 18. Don’t read everything, but understand everything that you read. Better to have a deep understanding of a limited amount of material, than to have a vague understanding of an entire course. Once again: Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time. 不要想着读遍所有的书,但是要理解你读的每一本书。深刻理解有限的资料比模糊理解所有资料要好得多。再说一遍, 模棱两可是很不好的,模棱两可就是浪费时间。 19. Bullet points. For essays, summarizing, everything. 列出要点。用这种方式去写论文,写总结,做任何事情。 Phase IV: Reading Period (Review Week) 第四阶段:阅读(复习周) 20. Once again: do not move into the library. Eat, sleep, and bathe. 再说一遍,别住进图书馆。要吃,要睡,要洗澡。 21. If you don’t understand it, it will definitely be on the exam.Solution: textbooks; the internet. 如果这个知识点你不会,那它就一定会被考到。解决办法就是,回去看教材, 上网查资料。 22. Do all the practice problems. This one is totally tiger mom. 一道练习题都不要放过,这是虎妈教的。 23. People are often contemptuous of rote learning. Newsflash: even at great intellectual bastions like Harvard, you will be required to memorize formulas, names and dates. To memorize effectively: stop reading your list over and over again. It doesn’t work. Say it out loud, write it down. Remember how you made friends? Have them quiz you, then return the favor. 人们总是轻视死记硬背。 但是你知道吗,即便在哈佛这种聪明人云集的地方,你还是会被要求背诵公式、人名、日期。怎样背诵才能更有效呢?别把你要背的东西反复看来看去了,没用的。要大声念出来,写下来。还记得你交的朋友吗?让他们考考你,你也考考他们。 24. Again with the friends: ask them to listen while you explain a difficult concept to them. This forces you to articulate your understanding. Remember, vague is bad. 还是和朋友有关的建议,你可以让他们听你解释一个很难的概念,这会逼着你清楚表达你所理解的知识。记得我说的吗,模棱两可是很不好的。 25. Go for the big picture. Try to figure out where a specific concept fits into the course as a whole. This will help you tap into Big Themes – every class has Big Themes – which will streamline what you need to know. You can learn a million facts, but until you understand how they fit together, you’re missing the point. 掌握宏观的知识脉络。弄明白一个具体概念是在你所学的知识的哪一部分,这会帮你掌握一个大理论,而每一门课都会有一个大理论,它会帮你串起所有的知识点。你会学到无数个知识点,但是只有当你把知识点都串起来了,你才不会错过要点。 Phase V: Exam Day 第五阶段:考试 26. Crush exam. Get A. 完爆试卷,考个A! 本文转载自《资深陪读妈妈》的博客,点击阅读原文。 新浪升学帮app全新上线“国际学校库”功能,欢迎进入苹果App Store,安卓市场、应用宝、小米应用商店、华为应用市场、豌豆荚、安智、PP助手、应用汇 Lenovo乐商店、OPPO/nearme、木蚂蚁 等下载。 (责任编辑:波少) |