9.8新机制预览 与战舰世界同步勋略系统
时间:2018-11-18 18:59 来源:百度新闻 作者:巧天工 点击:次
Commanders, 脱啦基佬们 The life of a tanker is not a simple one, so your achievements deserve to be recognised. With Update 9.8, new ways to measure your battle performance are set to be introduced. 基佬们活着不就是为了找点乐子刷点存在感吗?哲学家暗之小学生和舔足狂魔经常讨论的结果总是:人不装逼和咸鱼有什么区别?9.8版本我们开发部门为了假装没有划水,又从战舰世界引进了战斗中就可以看到你打成了什么成就的勋略系统 This will take the form of pop-up Battle Performance Badges when you complete certain objectives during battle. 如果你在战斗中打成了什么成就,DUANG的一声就会弹出徽章的勋略来 You can also check which ribbons you earned in the Battle Results screen along with further details about exactly how you achieved it. 你可以在战后自己回味这个达成成就的具体细节和要求,统计可以看到 Battle Performance Badge 战斗徽章勋略图样 (责任编辑:波少) |